Tuborg Base Camp App
This project was a collaboration with designer and life long friend Jordan Cox. As lovers of festivals we both felt that the main issue was the transport of alcohol from the car park to the camp site. Nobody can enjoy themselves with warm alcohol.
We wanted to create a system where by it was easier and cheaper to get alcohol at a festival, saving the consumer/festival-goer time and effort. We decided on a click and collect style application within which you could pre-load money onto, negating the need to carry extensive amounts of cash. This reduces not only levels of theft, but also long, hot, agitating queuing systems for alcohol.
The application needed to be easy to use, appeal to a large, diverse market but still stay true to the essence of a festival/Tuborg. We have mananged to accomplish these goals by having two dimensions, Pay & Play.
Play is designed to add a fun element to the application, reflecting the festival atmosphere, but is also used as a vehicle to promote the Tuborg Base Camp ‘Arena’ by featuring Pub Quizzes and other games. All of these games, if won, provide the user with free alcohol.
Pay is a quick and easy way to select which campsite the user is pitched in and how much alcohol they would like to collect from their dedicated Tuborg Base Camp.
︎︎︎︎Tuborg Base Camp App